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// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PEAR :: XML :: Transformer |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Sebastian Bergmann <sb@sebastian-bergmann.de> and |
// | Kristian K÷hntopp <kris@koehntopp.de>. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 3.00 of the PHP License, |
// | that is available at http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt. |
// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
// | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: Transformer.php,v 2004/03/16 06:55:30 sebastian Exp $
require_once 'XML/Transformer/CallbackRegistry.php';
require_once 'XML/Util.php';
* XML Transformations in PHP.
* With this class one can easily bind PHP functionality to XML tags,
* thus transforming an XML input tree into another XML tree without
* the need for XSLT.
* @author Sebastian Bergmann <sb@sebastian-bergmann.de>
* @author Kristian K÷hntopp <kris@koehntopp.de>
* @version $Revision: $
* @access public
class XML_Transformer {
// {{{ Members
* @var object
* @access private
var $_callbackRegistry = null;
* If true, XML attribute and element names will be
* case-folded.
* @var boolean
* @access private
* @see $_caseFoldingTo
var $_caseFolding = false;
* Can be set to either CASE_UPPER or CASE_LOWER
* and sets the target case for the case-folding.
* @var integer
* @access private
* @see $_caseFolding
var $_caseFoldingTo = CASE_UPPER;
* When set to TRUE empty XML tags (<foo></foo>) are
* collapsed to their short-tag (<foo/>) equivalent.
* @var boolean
* @access private
var $_collapseEmptyTags = false;
* If true, debugging information will be sent to
* the error.log.
* @var boolean
* @access private
* @see $_debugFilter
var $_debug = false;
* If not empty, debugging information will only be generated
* for XML elements whose names are in this array.
* @var array
* @access private
* @see $_debug
var $_debugFilter = array();
* Specifies the target to which error messages and
* debugging messages are sent.
* @var string
* @access private
* @see $_debug
var $_logTarget = 'error_log';
* @var array
* @access private
var $_attributesStack = array();
* @var array
* @access private
var $_cdataStack = array('');
* @var array
* @access private
var $_elementStack = array();
* @var integer
* @access private
var $_level = 0;
* @var string
* @access private
var $_lastProcessed = '';
* @var boolean
* @access public
var $_secondPassRequired = false;
* @var integer
* @access private
var $_depth = 0;
// }}}
// {{{ function XML_Transformer($parameters = array())
* Constructor.
* @param array
* @access public
function XML_Transformer($parameters = array()) {
// Parse parameters array.
if (isset($parameters['debug'])) {
$this->_caseFolding = isset($parameters['caseFolding']) ? $parameters['caseFolding'] : false;
$this->_collapseEmptyTags = isset($parameters['collapseEmptyTags']) ? $parameters['collapseEmptyTags'] : false;
$this->_caseFoldingTo = isset($parameters['caseFoldingTo']) ? $parameters['caseFoldingTo'] : CASE_UPPER;
$this->_lastProcessed = isset($parameters['lastProcessed']) ? $parameters['lastProcessed'] : '';
$this->_logTarget = isset($parameters['logTarget']) ? $parameters['logTarget'] : 'error_log';
$autoload = isset($parameters['autoload']) ? $parameters['autoload'] : false;
$overloadedNamespaces = isset($parameters['overloadedNamespaces']) ? $parameters['overloadedNamespaces'] : array();
$recursiveOperation = isset($parameters['recursiveOperation']) ? $parameters['recursiveOperation'] : true;
// Initialize callback registry.
$this->_callbackRegistry = &XML_Transformer_CallbackRegistry::getInstance(
foreach ($overloadedNamespaces as $namespacePrefix => $object) {
if ($autoload !== false) {
// }}}
// {{{ function canonicalize($target)
* Canonicalizes a given attributes array or element name.
* @param mixed
* @return mixed
* @access public
function canonicalize($target) {
if ($this->_caseFolding) {
if (is_string($target)) {
return ($this->_caseFoldingTo == CASE_UPPER) ? strtoupper($target) : strtolower($target);
} else {
return array_change_key_case(
return $target;
// }}}
// {{{ function overloadNamespace($namespacePrefix, &$object, $recursiveOperation = '')
* Overloads an XML Namespace.
* @param string
* @param object
* @param boolean
* @access public
function overloadNamespace($namespacePrefix, &$object, $recursiveOperation = '') {
if (empty($namespacePrefix) ||
$namespacePrefix == '&MAIN') {
$namespacePrefix = '&MAIN';
} else {
$namespacePrefix = $this->canonicalize($namespacePrefix);
$result = $this->_callbackRegistry->overloadNamespace(
if ($result === true) {
if ($object->secondPassRequired) {
$this->_secondPassRequired = true;
// Call initObserver() on the object, if it exists.
if (method_exists($object, 'initObserver')) {
} else {
// }}}
// {{{ function unOverloadNamespace($namespacePrefix)
* Reverts overloading of a given XML Namespace.
* @param string
* @access public
function unOverloadNamespace($namespacePrefix) {
// }}}
// {{{ function isOverloadedNamespace($namespacePrefix)
* Returns true if a given namespace is overloaded,
* false otherwise.
* @param string
* @return boolean
* @access public
function isOverloadedNamespace($namespacePrefix) {
return $this->_callbackRegistry->isOverloadedNamespace(
// }}}
// {{{ function sendMessage($message, $target = 'error_log')
* Sends a message to a given target.
* @param string
* @param string
* @access public
function sendMessage($message, $target = 'error_log') {
switch ($target) {
case 'echo':
case 'print': {
print $message;
default: {
// }}}
// {{{ function setCaseFolding($caseFolding)
* Sets the XML parser's case-folding option.
* @param boolean
* @param integer
* @access public
function setCaseFolding($caseFolding, $caseFoldingTo = CASE_UPPER) {
if (is_bool($caseFolding) &&
($caseFoldingTo == CASE_LOWER || $caseFoldingTo == CASE_UPPER)) {
$this->_caseFolding = $caseFolding;
$this->_caseFoldingTo = $caseFoldingTo;
// }}}
// {{{ function setCollapsingOfEmptyTags($collapseEmptyTags)
* Sets the XML parser's case-folding option.
* @param boolean
* @access public
function setCollapsingOfEmptyTags($collapseEmptyTags) {
if (is_bool($collapseEmptyTags)) {
$this->_collapseEmptyTags = $collapseEmptyTags;
// }}}
// {{{ function setDebug($debug)
* Enables or disables debugging information.
* @param mixed
* @access public
function setDebug($debug) {
if (is_array($debug)) {
$this->_debug = true;
$this->_debugFilter = array_flip($debug);
else if (is_bool($debug)) {
$this->_debug = $debug;
// }}}
// {{{ function setLogTarget($logTarget)
* Sets the target to which error messages and
* debugging messages are sent.
* @param string
* @access public
function setLogTarget($logTarget) {
$this->_logTarget = $logTarget;
// }}}
// {{{ function setRecursiveOperation($recursiveOperation)
* Enables or disables the recursive operation.
* @param boolean
* @access public
function setRecursiveOperation($recursiveOperation) {
// }}}
// {{{ function stackdump()
* Returns a stack dump as a debugging aid.
* @return string
* @access public
function stackdump() {
$stackdump = sprintf(
"Stackdump (level: %s) follows:\n",
for ($i = $this->_level; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$stackdump .= sprintf(
isset($this->_elementStack[$i]) ? $this->_elementStack[$i] : '',
isset($this->_attributesStack[$i]) ? XML_Util::attributesToString($this->_attributesStack[$i]) : '',
isset($this->_cdataStack[$i]) ? $this->_cdataStack[$i] : ''
return $stackdump;
// }}}
// {{{ function transform($xml)
* Transforms a given XML string using the registered
* PHP callbacks for overloaded tags.
* @param string
* @return string
* @access public
function transform($xml) {
// Don't process input when it contains no XML elements.
if (strpos($xml, '<') === false) {
return $xml;
$xml = str_replace('&', '&', $xml);
// Create XML parser, set parser options.
$parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_set_object($parser, $this);
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, $this->_caseFolding);
// Register SAX callbacks.
xml_set_element_handler($parser, '_startElement', '_endElement');
xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, '_characterData');
xml_set_default_handler($parser, '_characterData');
// Parse input.
if (!xml_parse($parser, $xml, true)) {
$line = xml_get_current_line_number($parser);
$errorMessage = sprintf(
"Transformer: XML Error: %s at line %d:%d\n",
$exml = preg_split('/\n/', $xml);
$start = ($line - 3 > 0) ? $line - 3 : 0;
$end = ($line + 3 < sizeof($exml)) ? $line + 3 : sizeof($exml);
for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
$errorMessage .= sprintf(
"line %d: %s\n",
$errorMessage . "\n" . $this->stackdump(),
return '';
$result = $this->_cdataStack[0];
// Clean up.
$this->_attributesStack = array();
$this->_cdataStack = array('');
$this->_elementStack = array();
$this->_level = 0;
$this->_lastProcessed = '';
// Perform second transformation pass, if required.
$secondPassRequired = $this->_secondPassRequired;
if ($secondPassRequired) {
$this->_secondPassRequired = false;
$result = $this->transform($result);
if ($this->_collapseEmptyTags &&
$this->_depth == 0) {
$result = preg_replace(
'<\\1\\2 />',
$this->_secondPassRequired = $secondPassRequired;
// Return result of the transformation.
return $result;
// }}}
// {{{ function _startElement($parser, $element, $attributes)
* SAX callback for 'startElement' event.
* @param resource
* @param string
* @param array
* @access private
function _startElement($parser, $element, $attributes) {
$attributes = $this->canonicalize($attributes);
$element = $this->canonicalize($element);
$qElement = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName($element, '&MAIN');
$process = $this->_lastProcessed != $element;
// Push element's name and attributes onto the stack.
$this->_elementStack[$this->_level] = $element;
$this->_attributesStack[$this->_level] = $attributes;
if ($this->_checkDebug($element)) {
'startElement[%d]: %s %s',
if ($process &&
isset($this->_callbackRegistry->overloadedNamespaces[$qElement['namespace']]['active'])) {
// The event is handled by a callback
// that is registered for this namespace.
$cdata = $this->_callbackRegistry->overloadedNamespaces[$qElement['namespace']]['object']->startElement(
} else {
// No callback was registered for this element's
// opening tag, copy it.
$cdata = sprintf(
$this->_cdataStack[$this->_level] = $cdata;
// }}}
// {{{ function _endElement($parser, $element)
* SAX callback for 'endElement' event.
* @param resource
* @param string
* @access private
function _endElement($parser, $element) {
$cdata = $this->_cdataStack[$this->_level];
$element = $this->canonicalize($element);
$qElement = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName($element, '&MAIN');
$process = $this->_lastProcessed != $element;
$recursion = false;
if ($process &&
isset($this->_callbackRegistry->overloadedNamespaces[$qElement['namespace']]['active'])) {
// The event is handled by a callback
// that is registered for this namespace.
$result = $this->_callbackRegistry->overloadedNamespaces[$qElement['namespace']]['object']->endElement(
if (is_array($result)) {
$cdata = &$result[0];
$reparse = $result[1];
} else {
$cdata = &$result;
$reparse = true;
$recursion = $reparse &&
isset($this->_elementStack[$this->_level-1]) &&
} else {
// No callback was registered for this element's
// closing tag, copy it.
$cdata .= '</' . $element . '>';
if ($recursion) {
// Recursively process this transformation's result.
if ($this->_checkDebug('&RECURSE')) {
'start recursion[%d]: %s',
$transformer = new XML_Transformer(
'caseFolding' => $this->_caseFolding,
'caseFoldingTo' => $this->_caseFoldingTo,
'lastProcessed' => $element
$cdata = substr($transformer->transform("<_>$cdata</_>"),3,-4);
if ($this->_checkDebug('&RECURSE')) {
'end recursion[%d]: %s',
if ($this->_checkDebug($element)) {
'endElement[%d]: %s (with cdata=%s)',
// Move result of this transformation step to
// the parent's CDATA section.
$this->_cdataStack[--$this->_level] .= $cdata;
// }}}
// {{{ function _characterData($parser, $cdata)
* SAX callback for 'characterData' event.
* @param resource
* @param string
* @access private
function _characterData($parser, $cdata) {
if ($this->_checkDebug('&CDATA')) {
'cdata [%d]: %s + %s',
$this->_cdataStack[$this->_level] .= $cdata;
// }}}
// {{{ function _autoload($namespaces)
* Loads either all (true) or a selection of namespace
* handlers from XML/Transformer/Namespace/.
* @param mixed
* @access private
function _autoload($namespaces) {
$path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/Transformer/Namespace/';
if ($namespaces === true) {
$namespaces = array();
if ($dir = @opendir($path)) {
while (($file = @readdir($dir)) !== false) {
if (strstr($file, '.php')) {
$namespaces[] = $this->canonicalize(
substr($file, 0, -4)
else if (is_string($namespaces)) {
$namespaces = array($namespaces);
foreach ($namespaces as $namespace) {
if (@include_once($path . $namespace . '.php')) {
$className = 'XML_Transformer_Namespace_' . $namespace;
$object = new $className;
!empty($object->defaultNamespacePrefix) ? $object->defaultNamespacePrefix : $namespace,
// }}}
// {{{ function _checkDebug($currentElement = '')
* Checks whether a debug message should be printed
* for the current event.
* @param string
* @return boolean
* @access private
function _checkDebug($currentElement = '') {
if ($this->_debug &&
(empty($this->_debugFilter) ||
isset($this->_debugFilter[$currentElement]))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// }}}
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